As a company, we work hard to understand the people who will use our products. We test our products in conditions that replicate real life, considering how people interact with them and how that impacts upon RF performance. We know that the best way to see if a product works well is by having real users try it out. That's why we spend a lot of time talking to users, testing the products, and asking users to test them.

In the last few weeks we have received feedback directly from a customer, a large radio manufacture, an overseas Police force and a British Army unit. We are often asking slightly different questions of each one but the best part for us is gaining that additional insight which helps us to plan and develop a better product. We genuinely appreciate the time and effort that it takes to provide feedback so we are very grateful when it arrives, whether it provides us with good news or bad! Obviously we prefer the positive feedback and this week we had some of our best yet. We’ve redacted some of the information about the unit and any TTPs but we thought even a partial version was worth sharing….

“The SIGMA-ONE was used on multiple mission sets over the course of the Exercise. The Unit operated in both Rural and Urban areas allowing maximum assessment of the equipment across different environments. The mountainous and primary jungle canopy nature of the topography allowed the properties of the antenna to be analysed in depth and at range, and over multiple wave-forms as per the CIS PACE plan.

This is a quick and easy win for us. Traditional tactical radio antennas snag on equipment, interfere with line of sight, and create a sizeable visual profile of the soldier, making them an easier target. Many soldiers fold the antennas or remote them to their back to reduce signature and interference with their primary mission tasks, but these “fixes” significantly reduce antenna performance. The SIGMA-ONE antennas work with the dismounted soldier kit in a way that does not impede their movement, create snag hazards, or reduce antenna performance. Additionally, the antenna’s placement over the soldier’s shoulder alleviates poor performance in the prone position. This design improves omnidirectional performance caused by body masking. During the exercise the radio was set to 1 W due to the EW threat, ranges of 9 km were achieved over advantageous terrain and 4 km over mountainous and canopied terrain.”

  • Antenna is Kit/User friendly and preferable over the supplied antenna variants

  • Antenna has a lower attenuation rate when shielded by daysack or body armour/plate carrier

  • Antenna is more discreet and versatile, performing well in both rural and urban AO’s”

Thanks to everyone that provides us the opportunity to test and learn, if you have any questions for us then please get in touch.


